Ask Your Butcher...Anything?



Ontario Beef Farmers sought to address a significant gap in consumer behavior: nearly two-thirds of consumers do not ask their butcher beef-related questions. This lack of engagement often means consumers miss out on choosing high-quality, local Ontario beef. The challenge was to encourage consumers to interact more with their butchers and specifically request Ontario beef, thus reinforcing the premium and local attributes of the product.


To address this challenge, we developed the "Ask Your Butcher" campaign. The strategy focused on empowering consumers to feel comfortable and confident in asking their butchers for Ontario beef, using humor and relatable scenarios to make the interaction more approachable and engaging.

Creative Execution

The campaign was built around a series of humorous and memorable short videos, highlighting butchers as knowledgeable and approachable experts who can answer any question—be it about beef or even quirky topics like penguin knees.

1. Digital and Social Media

The campaign was digital-first, targeting the "Locavore" demographic who spend significant time on social media and are interested in food-related content.

  • Online Video (OLV): Three 15-second spots titled “Penguin,” “Hiccup,” and “Which One” featured a regular customer asking his butcher a range of questions, from fashion tips to quirky trivia, before being reminded to ask for Ontario beef.
  • Social Media Posts: Engaging and interactive content across Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter encouraged users to share their own butcher-related questions and experiences.
  • Organic Content: Interviews with neighborhood butchers were shared across social platforms, helping viewers become more familiar with their local experts.

2. Paid Advertising

The paid media strategy focused on high-impact placements during key moments, such as the start of Canada’s BBQ season.

  • Targeted Ads: Geo-targeted ads ensured the campaign reached consumers near participating butchers and retail outlets.
  • Influencer Collaborations: Partnerships with food bloggers and influencers helped amplify the message and reach a broader audience.


The Ontario Beef Farmers' "Ask Your Butcher" campaign effectively bridged the gap between consumers and their local butchers, empowering them to make informed choices and request high-quality, local Ontario beef. By leveraging humor and relatable scenarios, we created a memorable and impactful campaign that not only boosted sales but also strengthened the connection between consumers and the source of their food.

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